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5/27 (in person, Norwalk CT) 9:30 AM - VFP Peace Walk 2024: Walkers Joining the Largest Memorial Day Parade in CT (Veterans for Peace)

VFP Peace Walk 2024 Monday, May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day

Walkers travel down to Norwalk to join the largest Memorial Day parade in Connecticut.

9:30 am: Meet in Norwalk at Veterans Park in Norwalk (42 Seaview Ave.) (If you are driving to the starting point, be sure to arrive early, as streets may be shut closer to the parade time.)

10 am: Parade leaves on 1.7-mile route to Norwalk Green, right in front of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Stick around for a group photo and possible picnic in the park!

NOTE: If you are bringing signs, the parade organizers request that you reference peace only, and not war.